Monday, April 13, 2009


Let me say right off, I am not recommending/soliciting this magazine (and this was not the actual one delivered to me today either)

I had just sat down from our morning routine, to nurse Payton for a little bit. It's so funny how the moment your backside hits the chair it never gets to stay there long. Anyway, the moment I sat, the doorbell rang and of course I was still in my pj's. I ran to the bedroom to change and look somewhat approachable and told Emry to get back from the door. Do you think she did that? NO. She can't unlock the door, but she was peering out the door to the outside world and yells "MOM, THERE'S a BIG LADY AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!!!! She's COMING LADY, she had to change"
I was in my room cracking up at what I had just heard. The honesty of kids is precious and brutally honest all at the same time.
Anyway, these door to door Jehovah's Witnesses catch me off guard every time. I am going to study on their beliefs, while standing FIRM in mine and who knows, maybe the next one who knocks on my door will feel the Lord knocking on their heart by HIM using me to share with them about our Savior! Prayerfully, they will be AWAKENED!

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