Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hug your children

This is a blog that was found through another blogging friend, that touched mine and so many others hearts. Please take the time to read about this family and pray for them. I can not even begin to imagine what they are going through. One thing is for sure, though, in the sense that life is so short. Love on your family, children, & friends a little longer and a lot more. Slow down a little and enjoy your children-Really enjoy them. I am so thankful for the time I have at home with my babies while they are young. Thankful that I get to wake up with them, stay home with them all day, and go to bed with them each and every day. I still have days that are harder and more chaotic than others, but I wouldn't change it for a second. I guess this story may have touched me in an extra special way this week because we had an AWFUL accident this weekend. We all went swimming and were having a wonderful time. I usually don't get in with the kids, (adam does) because I like to be able to see everything that's going on. The kids were begging me to get in the pool and I gave in. We (the girls) and I were in the deep end getting all the stuff together to get out and Adam was holding payton in the shallower end. Eli had just got out to get his towel, but still had his floaties on. He usually can't get them off his self. Adam turned around to watch the girls and I and heard a splash, only to find out it was Eli with NO FLOATIES. With Adam having Payton, it made it a little more difficult for him to get to Eli fast and he only had one arm to work with. He was heading towards eli, making it harder for me and taking longer for me to reach him to grab Payton, since I was all the way in the deep end. We finally got to him and his mouth area was yellow and he was GHOSTLY WHITE. He never lost consciousness, but he was traumatized (and so were we). I didn't know how much water he'd swallowed, so I was making him throw up, but nothing was coming out. He started to talk and was screaming "I'm ok, I don't want to die." We've drilled into their heads, that if they take off their floaties, and jump in, they could die b/c they don't know how to swim. Bless his heart. He was so scared. I watched him for the next hour or so and his behavior started to change and that worried me. He would act really crazy, and then be really tired and then he would get a blank look in his eye.The MOTHER and nurse in me started to freak out thinking it could be a "dry drowning". I didn't know if he'd aspirated any water, So Adam rushed him to the ER. He had a little fever, but they said his lungs sounded clear and dry. We were told to watch him and if his fever went up to 101.5 to bring him back in. So far so good, but tonight he has a little more fever. I am wondering if it could be an ear infection from it all or keep our baby boy in your prayers too. What a mighty God we serve, right? My children have had so many near death experiences....from Emry having open heart surgery, to falling 9.5 ft. off a balcony and only suffering a huge knot, to Payton's whole birth, and now Eli with this. Only by the GRACE OF GOD!!!!
So it comes from my heart when I say just slow down and love on your children, family and friends a little more and a little longer!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Beautiful post & great glad your little one is ok. It is so terrifing when something like that happens. Dax had told me to check out your blog a couple of weeks ago. I added you to my google reader and am enjoying reading about your family.
Thanks so much for sharing the link,
Beth Middlebrooks