Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wild Wildnerness SAFARI

We had such a wonderful time at the WWDTS yesterday! We were there for HOURS and still didn't want to leave! The kids got to hold and pet baby monkeys, tigers, lemurs, kangaroos, zebras and so much more. Eli was chasing goats and roosters and for once was having a hard time keeping up! ;) We had Emu peck at our car and Camels block it and stick there faces right on the windows (Payton and I were FREAKING OUT!! We stopped for a while to eat and rest and picked up right where we left off. There were 5 miles of the drive thru part where we were up close to the buffalo, deer, zebras, camels, emu, monkeys, and then caged up were the bengal tigers, Lions, bears, hippos, and rhino's. We went car searching before that and just haven't had much luck, so keep praying!

1 comment:

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

looks like you all had a blast! happy 4th!