The girls have been "itching" to go outside and ride in the GATOR! Today was their lucky day. Adam was outside mowing and the two little ones were taking their nap, so the girls headed out on their adventure! I love watching them from the window when they don't have a clue that I can see them. They were working together like a little team. You can't tell, but we have a HUGE slope on one side of our yard and when the juice is running out in the DEER, it makes it super hard to drive up that slope! The girls teamed up and pushed it back to flat land and headed out the other direction, all the while, rain is coming down!!! By the time they were finished, I had all the grass Adam just mowed in my TUB! It was all worth it to be able to watch them have soooo much fun, be in their own world for a little while and just be them! I love my family! I love my kids! I love having a large family and I love just being us! We have so much fun together being loud and crazy!!!
I love your blogs, in them you how the heart of Christ. Your children are blessed to have you and Adam for parents!! Love you!! Celeste
That should say you show the heart of Christ .
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