Tuesday, March 16, 2010

little people

Pictured below are just some of the Willow Tree dolls I have. I love willow tree dolls. I have some of them placed in a window ledge over my Kitchen sink, which is what this post is all about. I was in the kitchen getting a snack ready for all the children and Eli pulled a chair up beside me to climb in and help. We talked for a second and then I noticed he was talking to himself (or what I thought was himself). I asked him who he was talking to and he replies: "these little people. He is crying because he does not want to go to church!" Some of you may ask, "what did he mean by that response?" I would know the answer to that. :) Since giving birth to Abram, Adam and I have taken a break from teaching the 3 year old first hour sunday school class, which means our children haven't been going to first hour sunday school. We are just attending the service right now, so they are attending 2nd hour SS. Change a 3 year olds routine like that and you have a MESS! Eli loves his teachers all so much, but got so used to going to the first hour and seeing the faces there, he's having a difficult time adjusting and it was made known today that he thinks about it OFTEN! I know for sure know that if he saw the little boy and his mom willow tree doll and assumed the little boy was crying about going to church, he's having a hard time with this adjustment! :)

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