Wednesday, March 31, 2010

refreshing and renewal!

I love Spring! with spring, comes EASTER. I love the newness of everything! I love the blooming flowers and trees. I love how the sun just gives you this amazing feeling of being refreshed. I also love what this time of year does to me mentally and spritually. I take this time and reflect on my spritual life and relationship with the Lord. I too, want to be renewed! I want a "newness" about me--I want to be on a new, deeper level with my SAVIOR! There are amazing things going on in our life and family right now, some of which I haven't shared with all of you-but we are excited!! I am also so very excited to have another opportunity to teach my children why we celebrate Easter and what this whole "season" is really about. I love when they tell me the story back in their own little version. I love that every time and every year they tell me why we celebrate Easter, they have a new and deeper understanding of how amazing our FATHER is, and how much He really does love us. So much so, that He sent His only Son to die!
With all that, we love to have fun too! Easter egg hunts, cakes, cupcakes, candy, easter baskets and little bunnies and chicks, bright colors and morek--today was no exception. I had to go to the dr. with Payton to set details for tomorrows surgery in stone, but Gran Jan got to go on the egg hunt with Em's school! She got some really cute pictures of Emry and her friends and I had to share. I was so thankful that Gran Jan was able to go- 1st because I had the appt. and 2nd because Emry walked up to me last night and said "hey mom, I think I changed my mind to Gran Jan instead of you at my easter party"----little stinker pants!!!!!!! So today was the first of many egg hunts for this week! Thank you Gran Jan for all your help!

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