Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Yes, My friends, I am back in the game!!!!! I had BUNCO last night with my girls and I came home with the MOST BUNCO'S! I haven't played since the month before I gave birth to Abram and it was so good to see those girls again! I love going and "cutting up", talking girl talk, laughing, and playing a pointless, mindless game. There were lot's of good prizes last night and I would have been happy to have any of them, but this is what is mine. My children were so excited! For those of you who know them, know that they love fruits and veggies over junk, and they were certain all the veggies on the front of the box, were what was inside! They weren't too happy when the disovered otherewise :) Thank you BUNCO BABES for another fun night! It was so good to be back with you.

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